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Secret of the Wolf

AUTHOR: Susan Krinard




In SECRET OF THE WOLF Susan Krinard continues the saga of the Forster family, a family of secrets, obessions and cruelty. This new book is the story of Quentin Forster, a tortured and lonely man with werewolf blood and Johanna Schell the hypnotist whose life is dedicated to helping those people who can not cope in the "real world".

Set against the backdrop of Napa Valley, California in the late 1800's Johanna has founded a sanctuary for people suffering from mental illness. She encounters Quentin lying unconscious in a field near the sanctuary and she promptly brings him home with her. When Quentin reveals he's a werewolf, Johanna doesn't know if it's fact or fantasy but vows to help him uncover the reasons behind his blackouts and to help him heal his tortured spirit.

Ms Krinard is a master of discription, in all her books you get the "feel" of the time period and this one is certainly no exception. I could visualize the streets and towns of California in the late 1800's and the vineyards and rolling hills of Napa Valley. She takes you into the mind-set of the people and what it must have been like to live there... It was just breathtaking.

I was sorry to see this trilogy end but know she's working on a new book set in Regency England. It's called THE FOREST LORD, it's not a werewolf story but does have the same "otherworldly" elements as her werewolf novels.


Jo Anderson