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As timely as today’s headlines

Title: "Last Step"

Author: Kathleen Walls

Available From: iuniverse or The Author
Ebook Or Softcover


How many children fall into the slavery of drug addiction?

How many young people die because of drugs?

How many mothers have courage to search out answers to that wasted life?

"Last Step" explores one woman’s quest for the answer to her daughter’s death. To find it, Vickie must give up her safe life. She abandons her marriage, her home, her career to solve the riddle of her daughter’s demise. She must plumb the depths of "Cracktown" and risk her life in the search.

Will she find the answers she seeks?

Will she find a new love and build a new life?

Or will she too end up on a morgue slab, one more victim in the raging war against drugs?

Read this steamy romance/mystery to find out. The characters will intrigue you. The plot is an eye opener with a surprise ending.

Kathleen Walls,
Author of "Last Step"
Romance and murder and the war on drugs
set in Jacksonville, Florida.
