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"A Little Romance"

Lauryn Hale

Please welcome debut author Lauryn Hale.
Lauryn writes historical western romances, so if you love a cowboy give Lauryn's new book a try.

The Undertaker
Awe-Struck E-Books/2001

Question: Hi Lauryn, tell us a little about yourself--your family, where you live, just anything you'd like us to know about Lauryn Hale.

I live in the beautiful state of Colorado. I lived in California for a short period but I do so love Colorado. The scenery is very inspiring to me. My husband and I live in a small town and have three beautiful, er, handsome boys!

Question: Your new release is THE UNDERTAKER. What's it about and where can we buy it?

The main place to buy it is at my publisher's site or at barnes and noble online.. Here's a short blurb about the book.. I'm terrible at writing blurbs so I try to stick with what I worked out the first time! hahah.. The Undertaker was a man of few words. He hunted men for a living but he hunted one woman for answers. He had to know why she had married another. Kristian Rosell is exalted by her sudden widowhood. The appearance of the disfigured stranger, Dean, shouldn't matter. Time after time she and her daughter are saved by the mysterious man. When she discovers he is her childhood sweetheart, that she believed was dead, can she ever forgive him?

Question: THE UNDERTAKER is an Ebook. What are your thoughts on electronic publishing? Have you had a good experience publishing electronically?

Yes! The traditional rout is still a wonderful thing and more power to those that get it done. Unfortunately todays paperback market is more picky than ever. A new author has a slim chance of even making it past the slush pile! E-publishing really opens that market up, making it much more possible for the 'new' author to have a chance. The market is still picky and contrary to critics, not just 'anybody' can get published but it does make it possible! I think e-publishing does cater to a different customer than the traditional paperback market. I think some of the two blend into eachother but there are many that are definately one way or the other. The devices that have been made to make reading an e-book easier are fantastic. So many different varieties and options to fit any personality and demands.. I've really enjoyed the e-publishing I've experienced. My publisher is top knotch. Great news also, is that my book will be out in paperback by next winter, so that will open up another market.

Question? How long does it take you to complete a manuscript? Do you have a set writing schedule you follow everyday?

I usually write a bit each day, however with some personal upsets in the last year, my writing got a bit off track. So this last novel has taken a bit longer than usual. Normally, I take about.. oh, I'd say three to four months to finish a rough draft. Then I like to wait about a month before I begin to work on it again, editing and such. I am a rather particular writer! ahahah..

Question: When you have the time what do you like to do for fun or relaxation?

With three little boys I don't get much of that.. But when I do.. I like to read! lol.. I'm an editor for another company and I make covers for other authors so I do that a lot as well. Mostly, I spend time with my kids; playing any sort of ball game, glueing and coloring about anything, and board games. Too, we spend a lot of time devoted to our church.

Question: With the release of THE UNDERTAKER do you have any new books on the horizon?

Yes! I'm writing the sequal to the Undertaker, tentatively name The Decoy, but I'm thinking of renaming it! lol.. Anyhow, it is the story of Melissa, Dean's sister in the story of the Undertaker. You can read an excerpt at my website .. by clicking on Logan and Lissa..

Question: Is there anything you'd like to add to this interview?

I have enjoyed sharing with you today and hope everyone that reads it, will enjoy THE UNDERTAKER... Please, feel free to send me any comments you may have to I always love to hear anything, even if its negative..

I really appreciate you taking the time to do this interview. I know how busy most writers are, so Thank You Lauryn.

Thank you Jo! You're a gem!