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Lord Of The Keep

TITLE: Lord Of The Keep

AUTHOR: Ann Lawrence


PUBLISHING DATE: December 1999


Lord Of The Manor

He had to but raise a brow and all acceded to his wishes; Gilles d'Argent alone ruled Hawkwatch Castle. The formidable baron considered love to be a jongleur's game-till he met the beguiling Emma. With hair spun of gold and eyes filled with intelligence, she bound him to her. And the powerful Knight sought what could not be demanded but must be given freely; her love.

Lady Of His Heart

Her innocence stolen away in the blush of youth, Emma Aethelwin no longer believed in love. Reconciled to her life as a penniless weaver, she little expected to snare the attention of Gilles d'Argent. At First Emma denied the tenderness of the Warrior's words and the passion he stirred within her. But as desire wove a tangible web around them, the resulting pattern told a tale of love, and she dare to dream that she could be the lady of his heart as he was master of hers.


With his fortieth birthday fast approaching, Gilles d'Argent felt he had but few years left. He was dissatisfied with his life and instead of being Lord of the castle he had rather be off fighting wars and protecting his King. In short, he felt he was getting old and nothing could rally him from his depression, or hold his interest, until he first met Emma, but it would be two years till they meet again.

Emma Aethelwin was born into a Knight's family and knew the ways of a Lady, but with the death of her parents she had been sent to live with a harsh and improvished uncle. Seeking love, then giving it unwisely she has fallen even futher. She must now live among the village rabble and make her way with her weaving. That she has caught the attention of the Lord of the manor amazes her. Emma now weaves only for the Lord, and is able to live in the castle, where she has food to eat and warmth from the cold winter nights.

Gilles and Emma's story is beautifully written. The chartacters are well defined and intricately detailed. You come away with a sense of what life must have really been like for women during midieval times. There are enough twists and turns in this story to keep everyone on their toes so they won't miss anything important.

Ms. Lawrence's first book VIRTUAL HEAVEN was very good but this book is excellent. I highly recommend it. This is a definite keeper!


Jo Anderson
A.L.R. Reviews