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Legend Of The Sorcerer

TITLE: Legend Of The Sorcerer

AUTHOR: Donna Kauffman

PUBLISHER: Bantam Books



For thousands of years, tales of the fabled Dark Pearl were told and retold. Then the stories faded with the passage of time, leaving behind the stuff of myths and magic--until fate brought together the only two people in the world who can breathe life back into the...Legend of the Sorcerer.

Sculptor Jordy Decker came to the Florida Keys seeking inspiration for her art--but instead becomes enmeshed in a mystery that turns her world upside down...and leads her directly to Malacai L'Baan, the intense, enigmatic author of the bestselling Dark Pearl fantasy series. The mystery seems connected to alarming letters from an obsessive fan who is certain the Dark Pearl is real--and will do anything to possess it.

Jordy is drawn to Cai in a way she cannot understand...and cannot seem to resist. And as the danger grows stronger, Jordy finds magic in Cai's embrace--and a special passion that may just destroy them both....


Jordy Decker has finally won her legal battles after two years in the Virginia court system. These problems came from the embezzling activities of her former partner, and might be resolved, but she is tired and suffering from an artist block. The hollow victory leaves Jordy needing some R&R to recover her creative spirit. She heads to the Florida Keys for ten days of lazing around in the glorious sunshine. Things don't turn out exactly as she planned.

In a local photoshop, Jordy receives the wrong pictures. Instead of serene scenery, she sees pictures of a badly beaten woman. Tracing these photos leads Jordy to fantasy writer Malacai L'Baan, author of the popular "Dark Pearl" series. Someone named Margaron demands that Malacai give her the real pearl. With the help of his grandfather, Cai and Jordy confront the evil at the same time they are falling in love.

This is a good read but it was kind of drawn out and I wish it could have moved a little faster. The pacing just seemed a little off. Still it was worth the read.


Jo Anderson
A.L.R. Reviews