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"A Little Romance"

Mary Devlin

Please come in and meet Mary Devlin.
Mary writes Historical Mysteries. She's an artist, vocalist and actress among other things and I hope you enjoy meeting her as much as I did.

Both books are available from Amazon.Com

Question: Will you tell us a little about yourself? Your background, your family just whatever you'd like to tell us about Mary Devlin.

Well, books have been a part of my life for a long time. My parents and other relatives read to me constantly until I learned to read myself, and I've never stopped since. The first books I remember are L. Frank Baum's Oz books. I first became interested in English history when I saw my first kiddie cartoon based on the Robin Hood legends on TV. I was educated early in the arts, as I grew up in the Washington, D.C. area and the schools I attended always were sponsoring field trips to concerts, art galleries, museums, etc.
As my parents were very well educated, by the time I was old enough to start taking lessons myself, I was already drenched in culture. I was the bluestocking who always looked for museums and theatres while my friends were looking for clubs and discos, and who would rather discuss history and philosophy than Hollywood gossip - but that was MY idea of fun! It still is.
My life has been magical in so many ways. I've traveled all over the world, I've been in movies, I've made movies, written books, performed music. I haven't made a lot of money - yet - but basically I've been a happy person. And I plan to stay that way.

Question: I've read that you are a Certified Professional member of the American Federation of Astrologers. How and when did you become interested in astrology?

When I was thirteen, I read in a newspaper an astrology column that started with "Born Today." The person they described was me! I had never thought much about this before, but it didn't make sense that this nameless columnist could know so much about me. So I asked my mother if this wasn't all a bunch of garbage, and she replied, "No, it isn't. I'm not sure what it is, but there's something to that." I began formal studies of astrology when I had two very small children and was very tied down to the house, and needed something to keep me busy. In the local library I found a copy of Evangeline Adams' "Astrology for Everyone." I was suddenly hooked. The rest, they say, is history.

Question: Your novels, Murder on the Canterbury Pilgrimage and Portrait of Victorine are both Historical Mysteries. Why did you choose to write historical mysteries? Will you tell us a little about both books?

I've been reading mysteries ever since I discovered Nancy Drew in the third grade, and historical novels ever since I discovered Thomas B. Costain when I was in the eighth grade - and, as I pointed out above, my interest in history dates from when I was a very young child. As historical novels and mysteries are my favorite types of book, it's no surprise that I would have chosen to try to write them - and combine them!
I've been a great fan of the Impressionists ever since I discovered them in the National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C. I wrote the first draft of PORTRAIT OF VICTORINE in Sydney, Australia, when I was working a very cushy job where I had little work to do, so I created something. Everybody I worked with thought I was great because I always looked so busy!
While living in London, England, I got on the bandwagon of centering mystery stories around historical characters and situations. My first Chaucer mystery was actually a screenplay, which I am now turning into the second Geoffrey Chaucer mystery novel and calling THE LEGEND OF GOOD WOMEN. But somehow this story didn't seem the best for opening a series, so I asked a friend for ideas. He said, "Why don't you just write MURDER ON THE CANTERBURY PILGRIMAGE?" So I did!

Question: You have so many different interests, how did you find time to write your books? Do you write on a set schedule?

No. There were times when I did this, but at the moment I have so much to do I tend to go with where the spirit moves me every morning. Whatever I'm in the mood for doing, I do. The only exception to this is when I'm facing a deadline.
As for how I found time, there have been times when something was driving me and I felt I had no choice. The time was there, so I took it - even if it meant cutting back temporarily on making a living. Of course, I'm OK with cutting a few corners occasionally where material things go. For those who prefer constant security, I don't recommend this course of action.

Question: Is there anything you would like to add to this interview, something you would like our readers to know? Are you working on a new project you would like to tell us about?

Well, as pointed out above, I am presently working on the second Chaucer mystery. I also have a historical romance, DEVON WAKEFIELD, coming out soon, probably in about three to four months. That was inspired by the time I spent in Australia, which has a very colorful history. Those who want to keep an eye out for this one can follow my website,

Mary, I'd like to thank you for taking the time to do this interview. I know how busy most authors are and I really appreciate it.

My pleasure! Thanks for your interest!