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Title: Murder In Volume

Author: D.R. Meredith

Publisher: Berkley Prime Crime Mysteries

Publishing Date: January 2000(pb)


This first in a new series is very cleverly put together. The narration switches from first person to third person and it's set in the best of places -- a bookstore! The references to other mysteries -- both classic and modern -- are fun to follow.

The various members of this mystery reading group morph into an unlikely collection of amateur sleuths who don't hesitate to "help" the policemen trying to solve a murder. All are convinced their literary expertise gives them an ideal vantage point for analyzing crime scenes. Lieutenant Jerry Carr has plenty to cope with, just solving what become multiple murders without trying to protect these zany helpers. Megan Clark, a most appealing heroine and her reluctant and worshipful Watson, and not so secret admirer, Ryan Stevens, leads the charge.

Even before the second murder took place, I knew who would be killed, who would do it, and why. That didn't bother me, since with a character-driven mystery, part of the fun is seeing how the amateur sleuth will figure it out. This book is a must buy for cozy readers.


Jo Anderson
A.L.R. Reviews