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The Midnight Moon

Title: The Midnight Moon

Author: Stobie Piel

Publisher: LoveSpell / 1998

From The Back Of The Book:

Dane Calydon knew there was more to the mysterious Aiyana than met the eye, but when he removed her protective wrappings, he was unprepared for what he uncovered; a woman beautiful beyond his wildest imaginings. She had claimed to be an amphibious creature, and though he believe that form would complement her scaly demeanor, he'd been seduced by her sweet voice, which penetrated his very soul. Now, with her standing before him in the light of the Midnight Moon, he found himself powerless to resist the allure of her perfect form. Yet he knew she was more than a mere enchantress, for he had glimpsed her healing, caring side. But as secrets from her past overshadowed their happiness, Dane realized he must lift the veil of darkness surrounding her before she could surrender both body and soul to his tender kisses.


This is Dane's and Aiyana's story. Dane is Nessa's (from the Dawn Star) little brother. He is sent as an ambassador to try and make peace between two warring planets. As Dane begins to learn about the Ellowan's history and culture, and the truth about who are the true aggressors in a bitter war with the Tseirs he finds himself falling in love with the beautiful terroist, Aiyana. Dane is fabulous, he's funny and heroic and just plain terrific.

Even Batty, the lingbat, is a fully realized character. It was a delight watching him come into his own. The lingbats are a wonderful addition to these stories. They add just the right touch of humor and insight. The story wouldn't be the same without them.

I loved this heroine! Aiyana has depth, inner beauty as well as outer beauty, and a strength that carries her through the story. The numerous lovemaking scenes sizzle. Piel's touches of humor and sparkling dialogue make this one a classic! Stobie Piel has succeeded admirably in creating a complex political situation, an intriguing storyline, and a romance between Aiyana and Dane so hot I nearly burnt my fingers turning the pages! If you like high adventure and steamy romance, you will love The Midnight Moon!


Jo Anderson
A Little Romance