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Naked In Death

Title: Naked In Death

Author: J.D. Robb

Publisher: Berkley

Publishing Date: July, 1995

From The Back Of The Book:

Eve Dallas is a New York police lieutenant hunting for a ruthless killer. In over ten years on the force, she's seen it all---and knows that her surival depends on her instincts. And she's going against every warning telling her not to get involved with Roarke, an Irish billionaire----and suspect in Eve's murder investigation. But passion and seduction have rules of their own, and it's up to Eve to take a chance in the arms of a man she knows nothing about---except the addictive hunger of needing his touch.


J.D. Robb, a.k.a. Nora Roberts, is one of the most prolific authors of this age. Having read many of her books, I find most of her books move quickly, have substance and humor, and will appeal to more than the romance reader. As always, she has a lot of interesting details that pull you into the story and creates that desire to keep reading till the very end.

Eve Dallas is remarkable, she isn't a one dimensional character, sometimes you don't like her very much (just like real life) but at other times you find yourself cheering for her. Both she and Roarke are very complex characters, each having very human faults and strengths. While neither is "cuddly", they are both fascinating. If you like mystery, sci-fi and romance then this is a must read.

An Absolutely Fantastic Book


Jo Anderson
A.L.R. Reviews