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Night Fires

TITLE: Night Fires

AUTHOR: Justine Dare



From The Back Of The Book:

A small town in the Pacific Northwest, Keating's Port is the only home Jodi Campion has ever know, the only place she has ever felt safe. But it is also a place haunted by tragedy---where she will be forced to question what she has always believed to be true.....

It began with the disappearance of a young boy. Everyone in town suspected that J.T. Trager, a reclusive newcomer, was responsible---everyone that is except Jodi Campion. She's certain he would never harm a child. But as she looks into his angry, wounded eyes, she senses that his secrets are deep--and possibly dangerous.

Now walking the line between fear and desire, Jodi will discover that J.T. is no stranger to tragedy---and that Keating's Port may not be safe anymore......


I've always loved Justine Dare's books, especially her futuristics and series books. In previous books her characterizations have been fabulous, her plots intriguing and her romance sizzled. In my opinion "Night Fires" had none of the trademark Dare characteristics.

Night Fires reads more like a mainstream fiction than a romance book. The "romance" between the hero/heroine didn't even develope until almost 3/4 of the way into the book. Even then it wasn't up to Ms. Dare's usual standards.

Everyone in this book has problems of some kind, and I do mean EVERYONE. Night Fires is labeled a Romantic Intrigue and it does have a mystery in it but it's very easily solved by the reader after the plot is laid out. It took alot for me to even finish this book after about the 10th chapter but I persevered and did finish it. As you can probably tell this was Not my favorite book of the summer so far.


Jo Anderson
A.L.R. Reviews