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Title: Once A Wolf

Author: Susan Krinard

Publisher: Bantam/2000

From The Back Of The Book:

In the unspoiled expanses of the American West, Tomás Alejandro Randall was called El Lobo, the desperado and sworn enemy of powerful financier Cole MacLean. Few humans knew his true identity: heir to a wolf bloodline that made him as much an exotic beast as a devastatingly attractive man. It was Tomás's plan to lure Cole MacLean's elegant fiancee, Lady Rowena Forster, from her New York mansion to the wild frontier. There he planned to seduce the golden-haired beauty as revenge for the destruction of his family at MacLean's hands. But once she was in his possession, El Lobo found himself unable to resist the call of his own untamed passion--a passion that would claim the beauty for his own. As for Lady Rowena, she desperately hid her own wolf heritage behind an icy, controlled exterior. Yet the famous "Lady Ice" found her inhibitions melting and her true nature emerging in the presence of this handsome desperado. Both knew the danger of their pairing, but their wild hearts would risk everything--even death--for a chance at everlasting love.


From high society in New York city to the wilds of the American west, Ms. Krinard has captured us once again with this newest installment to the Forster trilogy. In Once A Wolf we are reunited with Lady Rowena Forster who, in the three years since escaping her brothers' domination, has made a comfortable place for herself in New York City society. She has just become engaged to Cole MacLean, who ironically is the mate her brother had chosen for her and from whom she had run away. Above all things Lady Rowena wants to have a normal life and she now has the life she always thought she wanted.

Enter; Tomas' Alejandro Randall (I love that name), and you have the story that legends are made of. Tomas' is out for revenge on the MacLean clan and sets out to kidnap and seduce Cole MacLeans' betrothed, Lady Rowena. From the sweeping vistas of the western territory you watch Rowena unfold from the subdued English Lady to the hot-blooded, passionate woman who falls in love with her captor. This is the story of two wounded people who struggle with their humanity. Rowena because of her werewolf heritage and Tomas' with his morality and honor. BRAVO SUSAN!! Well Done.


Jo Anderson
A.L.R. Reviews