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Of Midnight Born

AUTHOR: Lisa Cach


PUBLISHING DATE: September 2000

From The Back Of The Book:

In Search Of....

Alex Woding had come seeking peace. And though the young astronomer was thrilled to discover a place where he could pursue his passion undisturbed, he had another motive for seeking out Maiden Castle. There, in his youth, Alex had glimpsed a beauty that had haunted him ever since. Staring now into the evening sky, he saw again the reason for his return.

A Vision....

For five hundred years Serena had been a ghost - since the days of the Black Prince - and she had never known peace. But watching the castle's handsome new tenant, happiness was easy to imagine. Which made her all the more determined to drive him away. Alex made Serena burn to be flesh once more, to revel in a touch she'd once reviled. He made her dream that she could be saved, for there was no power greater than that of love, not even one....

Of Midnight Born. ....


Set in the 19th century, Of Midnight Born finds Alex Woding seeking to escape his childhood filled with sisters, only to move to a castle with a ghost who deliberately haunts only men. How these two individuals get over their own preconceptions makes an amusing tale, filled with engrossing characters and supporting pets that create an atmosphere as only Ms. Cach's books can. Firmly grounded in the reality of daily life, yet based on a magical premise, this book examines the problems of impossible relationships by putting a whole new twist on it.


Jo Anderson
A.L.R. Reviews