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AUTHOR: Katherine Greyle

PUBLISHER: LionHearted


From The Back Of The Book:

Jane Deerfield is having a bad millennia. Sucked forward in time two centuries after a cataclysmic nuclear event obliterated most of the planet, she's soon on a mission to keep the survivors from repeating mankind's mistakes. Trapped in a magical world, she never planned on falling in love with the one man who would plunge humanity back into war.

King Daken's people are in danger of extinction by the murdering Tarveen. Desperate, he seeks an army from the Elven Lord. Jane's sudden appearance becomes more than a distraction when she gets appointed to his position on the Elven Lord's ruling council, then votes against his army. Now she's in the way, and nothing will stop Daken.

Oracle is a futuristic/time-travel, and depicts a world where magic is the outgrowth of a happening in the past--and it is this happening that has propelled Jane Deerfield, two hundred years into the future.

Daken, a king/healer who is having all kinds of trouble of his own, saves Jane when she first lands in this new world. He is on his way to ask for help, in the form of an army and weapons, to save his people from the deadly Tarveen. Jane accompanies him on this journey to the city of The Elven Lord. As she struggles to comprehend this new world she has found herself in, she and Daken begin to fall in love.

When they reach Bosuny, Jane,whether she likes it or not, is proclaimed the Oracle, the keeper of knowledge, and the power she holds is awesome--as is the decision she has to make to save Daken and his people from a horror that she can only imagine.

This is a facinating book, I couldn't put it down. It makes you stop and think what could happen in our future. Ms. Greyle's writing is impressive and I will be looking for any books she may write in the future.


Jo Anderson
A.L.R. Reviews