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One Wicked Night

TITLE: One Wicked Night

AUTHOR:Shelley Bradley

PUBLISHER: Zebra Historical



Ms Bradley skillfully explores the inner workings of marital and family relationships in the world of power, politics, and greed. In this tale of mystery and intrigue she takes the taboo subject of adultery and attempts to make it less onerous, and to some degree she succeeds.

Serena's husband of three years, the elderly Duke of Warrington, has ask her to take a lover so she can produce an heir for him (he is unable to make this happen), she at first refuses. The Duke wants an heir so his nephew, who is a scoundrel (of the worst sort), can not inherit his title and lands.

When Lucien rescues a beautiful young woman from a thief late one evening, all he wants is a little releif from his overwhelming grief. What he gets is much more.

While Ms. Braddley's writing and charcterizations are proficient and skillful, I personally am uncomfortable with the premise of the story as used in this context.(I.E.) (1)Does the Duke expect Serena to keep having affairs till she produces a male heir. (2) It's okay because all the Ton do it, just be discrete. If another reason was given for the adultery I may have found it more acceptable.

If you are not bothered by this type of storyline than please read the book. It is well written and entertaining. GOOD

Reviewed by Jo
A Little Romance