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Title: P is for Peril

Author: Sue Grafton

Publisher: Putnam (hardcover)

Publishing Date: June 2001


The storyline of 'P' IS FOR PERIL deals with the disappearance of Dr. Dowan Purcell. Kinsey is hired by the doctor's ex-wife. She doesn't like her; she's not sure she wants to take the case, although she's hard up for cash. Kinsey takes the retainer, agrees to work on it for a few days. The doctor's disappeared before; he's had an alcohol problem. He could turn up. Kinsey discovers someone at the doctor's clinic was cooking the books, charging the government too much for medi-care. Purcell was only the manager; the owners of the clinic become suspects. So does Purcell's new young wife, Crystal.

The story was helped along by Kinsey's octogenarian landlord, Henry. I was worried there for awhile that she was going to kill him off. The sweet old guy unravels his sister-in-laws billing problem and in the process provides a clue implicating the person at the clinic responsible for the medi-care scam. I'd like to see Grafton do a book where Henry's the star.

I thought I had this one figured out half way through the book; I wasn't far off. The motivation for the murder will really surprise you, though. Watch the clues, she does drop a few hints.


Jo Anderson
A.L.R. Reviews