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Permed To Death

AUTHOR: Nancy J Cohen

PUBLISHER: Kenisington Mystery

PUBLISHING DATE: December 2000/pb

This is the first of The Bad Hair Day Mysteries,starring Marla Shore, a South Florida hairstylist living happily alone despite the loud wishes of her mother that Marla return to the dating scene. In this debut, Marla is seeing to regular customer Bertha Kravitz who dies from poisoning during a perm. Turns out Marla keeps a special jar of coffee creamer for Mrs. Kravitz in the salon and it is discovered to be tainted.

Thus, Marla instigates on her own to clear her name -- seeing as how Detective Vail is ready to arrest her based on opportunity and lack of witnesses, she did buy the creamer, you know -- while also seeking to destroy some evidence that would definitely give Marla a motive as well. Marla often hints at the blackmail package Mrs. Kravitz has held over her in exchange for free 'dos.

As far as the mystery goes, Permed to Death has its fun moments, particularly when Marla interacts with various supporting characters, yet it reads a bit long. As far as the murderer goes it was fairly easy to figure out who it was early on and it makes you wonder why Marla can't see it too.

Her relationship with the cynical Detective Vail, in particular, comes off as awkward. It appears as if Ms. Cohen is laying the foundation for a future relationship but I'm reading this book and wondering to myself if this can be. They just don't seem to mesh.


Jo Anderson
A.L.R. Reviews