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The White Sun

Title: The White Sun

Author: Stobie Piel

Publisher: LoveSpell / 1999

From The Back Of The Book:

Arnoth of Valenwood was an Ellowan---a sylvan race known throughout the galaxy for their music and their sensuality. And with his warm brown eyes and well-muscled form, Arnoth was the most sensuous of them all, although he had forced his desires to remain dormant in order to serve as a protector to his people. But as a youth, he had glimpsed a dark-haired woman from a faraway planet, a beauty who inspired harmony in the young prince's body and soul.

Sierre of Nirvahda had never known love. But with her long dark tresses and shinning eyes she had inspired plenty of it, only to turn away with a tuneless heart. Yet when she found herself hiding deep within a cavern on the red planet of Tseir, her heart began to do strange things. For with her in the cave was Arnoth of Valenwood, the sound of his lyre reaching out to her yhrough the dark and winding passageways. His song spoke to her of yearning, and ache she would come to know when he held her body close to his, with the rhythm of their hearts beating for the memory and melody of their souls.


The White Sun is a fast moving action packed futuristic, full of adventure, passion and romance. Sierra is a modern woman who is used to taking action -- not waiting around for a man to take charge of things. When they are forced to be on the run together sparks fly between Sierra and the sensual Ellowan prince. Those who like some adventure with their romance will love this book.

Sierra of Nirvahda (cute huh?) was undercover on the Tseir homeworld. Her mission was to sabotage their cloning facilities. The Tseir were a cloned race trying to conquer the universe. They used their cloning facilities to clone more warriors, workers and to reproduce spacecraft and weapons.

Arnoth of Vallenwood was one of the few remaining remnants of the Ellowan society. He has vowed revenge on the mighty Tsier, who destroyed his home planet and his loved ones. He has started a resistance movement fighting the Tsier at every opportunity, and causing them great harm and concern.

When Sierra and Arnoth team up the sparks fly in more ways than one. As they race to destroy the Tsier and save their peoples, will they survive the final battle to find that love conquers all?

Stobie Piel is one of my favorite authors for futuristic romances. She creates real and complete worlds for her characters but the romance and passion loses nothing in that creation.


Jo Anderson
A.L.R. Reviews