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Prince Of Time

AUTHOR: Glenna McReynolds


PUBLISHING DATE: July 2001 (pb)


Ten thousand years is a long time to wait for your soul mate, especially if he turns out to be a tech-thief who's more into wine than into saving the world. Avallyn is a half-elf-half-human princess who has been preparing her whole life for the coming of the Time Prince.

Morgan is a Welsh prince out of place—and time. One minute he is in the highlands in the midst of a mage-driven battle, the next falling through time to land ten thousand years in the future. To survive, he turns into a thief; to forget, he turns to off world wine. Avallyn finds him in a bar in the midst of a fight.

The warmonger, Corvus, is after Morgan for keeping a treasure he wanted. Avallyn gets Morgan out, sobers him up, and shows him their destiny. They must travel back through time and reengage the battle, only this time they must win or Earth will be lost. On the way, they fall deeply in love. Unfortunately, Corvus is determined to defeat them before the darkness that is taking over his body destroys him. With help from magicians and dragons and Morgan's own inborn strengths, they manage to overcome Corvus and save the world. This book combines fantasy, science fiction, and romance.

Prince Of Time is the third book of a trilogy. The other books in this series are Dream Stone and The Chalice and the Blade.

Excellent and Highly Recommended


Jo Anderson
A.L.R. Reviews