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A Stranger's Kiss

AUTHOR: Kimberly Raye



From The Back Of The Book:

The incarnation of desire, the embodiment of lust, the soul of carnality: all these things Alex Daimon was. For centuries he had existed to bring down the just and the wicked alike, to corrupt the innocent. Thus came he to the bed of Callie Wisdom, the young heir of the witch who'd bound him to Darkness...and the girl was ripe for possession. He meant to do what he'd done so many times before---seduce and destroy. But looking into her crystalline eyes, Alex wished that Callie might see some end to his curse. And introducung her to passion, Alex wondered if this time, instead of his kiss drawing his victim down into darkness, her love might not raise him up to the light.


A Stranger's Kiss is one of Ms. Raye's darker stories and has a unique set-up for a romance. The hero is an incubus. This is a sexual demon, who sets out to ensnare the heroine who is in a race to save her father from death and to save herself from a deadly possession. The hero is hardly your usual hero type, but completely mesmerizing and sexy. Kimberly Raye manages to pull this off with a complicated plot and the paranormal elements she handles so well. This is a very good read especially for her fans.


Jo Anderson
A.L.R. Reviews