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"A Little Romance"

Robin D. Owens

Say hello to Robin D. Owens.
Robin's debut novel is a futuristic/fantasy romance. I congratulate Robin for writing what she loves even though she knew it would be harder to sell. So come on in and meet Robin.


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Question: Hi Robin, will you tell us a little about yourself, your background, where you live, your family?

I always loved fairy tales as a child, then graduated to reading science fiction and fantasy, mystery and finally romance. I have been seriously writing for more years than I care to count, but have been extremely happy that HeartMate sold and have enjoyed every step of the process. My day job is as a contract legal assistant in Denver. I am a 4th generation Coloradan and my family (Mom, brothers, nephew and nieces) are here. I am single and live with cats who naturally believe they own the house.

Question: Your debut novel HeartMate is a futuristic romance. Did this make getting published more difficult for you? Will you tell us a little about HeartMate and it's road to publication?

A quick blurb for HeartMate follows: The prophecy: Today you will meet your HeartMate. T'Ash survived the slums then avenged his family's death. He knows Danith is the future of his clan. Danith knows T'Ash is noble, powerful and dangerous. Not for her. The next prophecy: Danith's a woman surrounded by peril...

I wrote in other genres, but found my voice in futuristic/fantasy romance. I believe it took longer for HeartMate to sell because it is a futuristic/fantasy/romantic suspense. I am glad that Jove is taking a chance on the book and me. I got used to entering contests with HeartMate (and sometimes Heart Thief, Heart Duel and Heart Trail) and revising. With the "paranormal" category of contests being so broad, the result was always in doubt. Sometimes I'd win a contest, sometimes I wouldn't even make the finals. After I won the Wisconsin Fabulous Five contest paranormal category in 2000, I sent in my full manuscript to Jove and it sold.

Question: How important is it for a writer to belong to a critique group and how do you find the right one for you?

A critique group can teach you to write. I joined Rocky Mountain Fiction Writers, and then the open romance group. My buddies (who are mentioned in my acknowledgments) definitely taught me how to write, and continue to help me with my plots, characters, suspense, etc. I can't emphasize the importance of a supportive, truthful critique group too much. If you live in an area where there are Romance Writers of America or Mystery Writers of America (or other genre groups) attend a meeting or two and see if you relate to the people. The internet also is proliferating with online groups. Again, make sure the group is supportive and truthful--the folks don't gloss over mistakes, but also aren't just a social group or cheering session. If you ever feel savaged by a group, immediately leave it.

Question: When you have the time what do you like to do for fun or relaxation?

I read, practice and "play" with my imrov group, the Lungfish Theater, surf the net, take walks. I love to travel.

Question: With the release of HeartMate in December (2001), do you have another book in the works?

Yes, I've sent my proposal for Heart Thief to my editor, and am waiting to hear regarding it. An excerpt and first chapter of that book is on my website: I also have a third book about half-way done, and a fourth in proposal form.

Question: Is there anything you would like to add to this interview that I haven't ask you about?

I love my website. Since I didn't design it, I can say that it is beautiful. I update it monthly and am very proud of my "Free Your Artist" page that has a quote, affirmation and creativity exercise. Also, I have a Story Machine in my Artist Exercises that helps when a writer/artist is stuck. I hope to make this interactive in the future. I enjoy hunting for fun links to put on the Free Your Artist page.
Also, I have promotional teabags (my heroine, Danith, drinks tea) and 2002 wallet calendars with my cover on the front and the calendar on the back. Anyone who wants one can drop me a line at For those in the Denver area, I will be attending Mile Hi Con October 26-28th (as I have for years).

Thank you so much Robin for taking the time to do this interview. I really appreciate it and look forward to reading HeartMate and Heart Thief.

I hope you enjoy HeartMate, and I hope, too, that Heart Thief will follow soon. As the Celtans say, may we merry meet and merry part and merry meet again.


Robin D. Owens
HeartMate, Jove 12/01
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