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Title: His Majesty, M.D.

Author: Leanne Banks

Publisher: Silhouette Desire #1435

Publishing Date: May, 2002


This is a second in Leanne Banks' The Royal Dumonts series. Having been introduced to the dashing Nicholas Dumont in the first book of a promised series, I was anxious to read this Prince's--who moonlights as a do-good doctor--story

Prince Nicholas is a royal rebel Sporting a scraggly hairdo and a well past five o'clock shadow on his handsome face; both are part and parcel of his plan to put off his royal matrimony-minded mother's matchmaking plans. Thus far his plan has went off with out a hitch. Committed to his medical career, Nicholas prefers hands on treatment over a more suitable position on a board. He'd like to see a few free clinics financed in his country--but fears a request for the funds would be looked upon as his pulling rank.

Enter Prince Nicholas' mother's latest offering, Tara York. A shy, clumsy, Billionaire's heiress, who, like the prince is being pushed by a parent to find a life's partner. Tara also has no desire to be married off. and is more than she seems--a swan incognito as an ugly ducking. Short on self-esteem--Tara does have a tendency to be clumsy, and harbors the hurt that she wasn't the son her father wanted. She's also experienced enough to suspect that it is her father's money that attracts perspective suitors, and has a mind and a goal to prove herself independent and intelligent.

Tara's-- at times humorous--disguise is soon enough undone, and she and Nicholas discover they have much in common in as much that neither is prepared to settle down for the sake of their perspective parent. The two hatch a plan to work together which amounts to a farce of an engagement. Unfortunately, keeping up appearances for the sake of their parents leads to an albeit almost-innocent, but risqué skinny dipping date. Headlines complete with substantiating photos follow, and the prince and heiress find themselves in a pickle. Honor is at stake, or so their parents state, demanding they set a date.

This story was long await,. at least from this reader's perspective, and happily, I wasn't let down. The author successfully titillates the reader with well crafted secondary characters which includes an as yet to be introduced long-lost brother who this reader hopes takes center stage in his own story soon. I would rate Leanne Bank's His Majesty, M.D. a delightful and recommended read.


Kolette J. Wilson
A.L.R. Reviews