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Out of the Blue

AUTHOR: Katherine Deauxville


PUBLISHING DATE: February 2002


This was a fun book. It wasn't great art, but it was great entertainment, which is even better.

Ms. Deauxville pokes fun at everyone from the lunitic UFO fringe to the super rich . Even her hero and heroine are a humorous twist on the spunky overworked/underloved working girl and the to-good-to-be-true completely-in-control mystery hunk of so many strait and para-normal romances. The clever dialogue, the humor, the plot twists, the avoidance of crude language, and the discrete handling of the romance portions, all coordinated to make this book a pleasure to read.

If you like your romance tounge in cheek with a garnish of Science fiction don't miss this book!


Jo Anderson
A.L.R. Reviews