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Nursery Crimes

AUTHOR: Ayelet Waldman


PUBLISHING DATE: July 2001 (paperback)


Juliet Appelbaum is a treasure! Bright, funny, savvy with a lot on the ball, the Harvard educated attorney/public defender is the proud mother of a bright, verbal 2-year-old daughter, Ruby and a son on the way. Juliet is married to a playwright who provides a creative foil to her serious side.

Indeed, Juliet is never at a loss for creative energy and activity. After failing to get Ruby accepted at a prestigious nursery school, Juliet literally walks into a mystery. The school's founder and director is found murdered days after Juliet's encounter with her and Juliet is determined to crack the case. The list of suspects is quite long -- a former husband, a current husband, an irate parent with questionable connections whose child did not get accepted into the school are likely suspects. The internet offers clues to solve a seemingly interlocked set of mysteries.

I really liked this book and can't wait for Waldman's next! I hope she'll keep Juliet permanently installed as a literary detective!


Jo Anderson
A.L.R. Reviews