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The Invisible Ring

AUTHOR: Anne Bishop




In a world where magic is power and social status is everything, the color of the jewel you wear deterimines the course of your life.....

Jared is a Red-Jeweled Warlord bound as a pleasure slave by the Ring Of Obedience. After suffering nine years of torment as a slave, he murdered his owner and escaped---only to be caught and sold into slavery once again.

Purchased by a notorious queen, Jared fears he will share the mysterious fate of her other slaves---never to be seen again---and so prepares himself for death. But the Gray Lady may not be what she seems and Jared soon faces a difficult decision: his freedom, or is honor......


I loved this book. From the time I started it until the time I finished, I was drawn into its web. I read this book BEFORE I read THE BLACK JEWELS TRILOGY and I'm glad I did. This is a stand alone book but it gives some background for the Trilogy that was written before this book.

The book takes place before Jaenelle's birth (and the Black Jewels trilogy) yet after Tersa's promise of Witch's coming.

It is the story of the witch and warlord who first devised the style of web described in THE QUEEN OF THE DARKNESS (book 3 of the trilogy). The web Daemon remembers from his past.

This book had a great appearance from Daemon Sadi, and mentions other characters from the Black Jewels triology as well. It was also a wonderful love story. It came from the point of view of the "normal" Blood of the land. These Blood do not all wear dark jewels, do not even know if Kaeleer and Hell exist, do not know Witch is coming. It tells of the final Queen who resists Dorothea's taint in Tereille. Plus, it gives some nice background on the culture of the Blood.

I would advise anyone to read this book before reading the trilogy. I think you would enjoy them all more if you do. I don't know if Ms. Bishop has any plans to continue this storyline but I surely hope she does.


Jo Anderson
A.L.R. Reviews