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Title: River of Eden

Author: Glenna McReynolds

Publisher: Bantam

Publishing Date: January 2002

From The Back Of The Book:

With his sun-bronzed skin, a week’s worth of beard, and a shaman’s crystal around his neck, Will Sanchez Travers looked more like a man mothers warned their daughters about than a Harvard-trained ethnobotanist. And even if only half the rumors about him were true, Dr. Annie Parrish figured she was in trouble. Still, she needed the rogue scientist to ferry her upriver in search of a prize so extraordinary, it would make her reputation–if it didn’t get her killed first.

When he’d reluctantly agreed to take the legendary Amazon Annie deep into the Brazilian rain forest, Will expected a woman warrior, not a blond ragamuffin renegade whose secrets ran darker than he could have imagined. But once the journey begins, there will be no turning back as they enter territory–of the wilderness and the heart–as dangerous as it is beautiful, desperate to stop a twisted destroyer of worlds before his nightmarish fantasy becomes horribly real. Amid sorcery, violence, and mystical visions, which will be the victor–the yearning for vengeance, or a power as potent and seductive as the heart of a singular, magical orchid?


This book is sorta like a modern version of The Amazon Queen, the old movie with Bogart and Becall. Lots of adventure, colorful characters and an excotic location.

From the time they meet Will and Annie are sniping at each other. They each have their secrets and separtate reasons for being in the rain forest and they mean to protect those reasons at all cost. Although they come to rely on each other during their journey they are still reluctant to trust each other completely until the final part of their adventure begins. Amid the backdrop of the steamy Brazilian Rain Forest these two driven people find what they never thought they wanted, and found out nothing is as important as love.


Jo Anderson
A.L.R. Reviews