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Science Fiction / Fantasy

BOOK REVIEWS by A.L.R. Members

Rating System:
For more information on any of the books, just click on the title.



Very Good


Published in 2001
Title  Author Type Rating
Prince Of Time Glenna
Fool Moon Jim Butcher Fantasy Excellent

Published in 2000
Title  Author Type Rating
The Invisible Ring Anne Bishop Fantasy RECOMMENDED
Storm Front Jim Butcher Fantasy EXCELLENT
Gates Of Hell Susan Sizemore Science Fiction EXCELLENT

Published in 1999 or before
Title  Author Type Rating
Primary Inversion Catherine Asaro Science Fiction RECOMMENDED
Dark Mirror, Dark Dreams Sharon Green Fantasy RECOMMENDED
The Rebel Prince Sharon Green Fantasy EXCELLENT
The Keeper Of The Wind Charlotte Boyett-Compo Fantasy EXCELLENT
Fire Dancer Ann Maxwell Sci-Fi EXCELLENT
Dancer's Luck Ann Maxwell Sci-Fi EXCELLENT
Dancer's Illusion Ann Maxwell Sci-Fi EXCELLENT