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TITLE: Murder In Scorpio

AUTHOR:Martha C Lawrence

PUBLISHER: St. Martins Press

PUBLISHING DATE: November 1996

From The Back Of The Book:

She's a California P.I. with something extra---An instinct for trouble and a special sense of danger.

Elizabeth Chase is used to funny looks and disbelief when she tells people she uses the paranormal and astrology to help her investigations. But when Sergeant Tom McGowan of the Escondido Police Department needs help in exploring the not-so-accidental death of an old friend, he turns to her.

Instantly, Elizabeth is absorbed by the case, and searches the stars and her sensitive psyche for answers. Janice Freeman, the dead woman, had a lot of friends, but as Elizabeth scans the artifacts of Janice's life and meets the people she knew, she begins to pick up a few unpleasant auras that have the unmistakable color of evil. Trying to pin down Janice's last fateful day of life, Elizabeth charts her final moves---and follows the celestial signs to cold-blooded murder.


This is a well crafted "girl" detective novel with a unique twist. Elizabeth Chase is a beautiful, sexy, former parapsychologist with extrasensory gifts and a private investigator's license. She is hired by, of all people, a hunk of a California cop. Tom McGowan wants Elizabeth to investigate the death of Janice Freeman, a girl he had a crush on in high school. Was her death an accident or was it murder? The police have ruled it an accident but Tom has a hunch it much more than that.

PI Elizabeth Chase combines detective work with psychic insights to find out whodunit. Elizabeth is a very likable character full of self doubt and a wry sense of humour.

This is the first in a series of Dr. Elizabeth Chase mysteries and if they are all as good as this one I can't wait to read them.


Jo Anderson
R.& M. Reviews