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Title: Brand-New Heartache

Author: Maggie Shayne

Publisher: SIM #1117

Publishing Date: December 2001


I really enjoyed this story of two people who misunderstood each other in high school but come to rely on and love each other later in life.

Wade Armstrong spends thirteen years proving himself to his hometown of Big Falls, Oklahoma. He won't be happy until he's the most successful businessman in town, and owns the biggest house on the highest hill so he can look down on them all. Too bad Wade waited too long before signing the contract for the house of his dreams. When he arranges to meet the real estate agent again, Edie Brand shows up as well. His efforts to sandbag her purchasing the house backfires, and now she's moving into the house he wanted.

Wade is an appealing hero, and Edie is vulnerable without being weak. The story was well paced and kept my interest. Shayne's Brand stories continue to be enjoyable. LOVE THOSE BRAND'S but whatever Ms. Shayne writes is always terrific.


Jo Anderson
A.L.R. Reviews