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TITLE: Shielder

AUTHOR: Catherine Spangler

Publisher: LoveSpell / April, 1999

From Back Of The Book:


Unjustly shunned by her people, Nessa dan Ranul knew she was unlovable---but when an opportunity arose for her to save her world, she leapt at the chance, disregarding her own life. Setting out for the farthest reaches of the galaxy, she had one goal: to elude capture and deliver her race from destruction. But then she found herself at the questionable mercy of Chase McKnight, a handsome bounty hunter whose hard-muscled arms both captured and protected. Suddenly, Nessa found that escape was the last thing she wanted. In Chase's passionate embrace she'd found a nirvana of which she'd never dare trust. But as her identity remained a secret and her mission incomplete, each passing day brought her nearer to oblivion. Nessa knew the truth could save her, but could she risk trusting her heart.


Catherine Spangler's debut novel, is a captivating futuristic romance. She draws the reader into her new world with a touching portrayal of two very special people, and she surrounds them with exciting characters and daring adventures.

Nessa is an outcast in her world and agrees to carry a deadly virus (within her body) to an outpost of scientist, so they can find a cure. Her ship is disabled in space and she is rescued by Chase McKnight, a bounty hunter. He agrees to take her to her distination, after a few detours along the way, little knowing what she carries within her. Their journey is filled with bold adventures and memorable characters and dangerous passion.

In Chase's arms Nessa finds the love she never dared hope for and Chase has found the peace he's been searching for. In their race against time these two people must let go of the past and embrace the love they both deserve or no amount of time will save them.

I LOVED this book. Catherine tells me she is working on a prequel to SHIELDER. She also says she is a slow writer. All I can say is I hope we don't have to wait too long because all futuristics lovers will be waiting for this book.

footnote: SHADOWER will be released Dec. 2000


Jo Anderson
A.L.R. Reviews