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Snow Fall

AUTHOR: Sharon Sala

PUBLISHER: Harlequin

PUBLISHING DATE: November 2001


Mystery author Caitlin Bennett enjoys her life except for the nasty notes from a so-called fan. Caitlin initially writes them off as just a disgruntled fan, even the police don't take them seriously. But the letters keep coming and the tone turns angrier and Caitlin begins to worry that perhaps she's in danger from the stalker after all.

After meeting her editor for lunch someone shoves Caitlin into ongoing traffic. She is injured and hospitalized. Aaron, her editor and best friend arranges for his stepbrother ex-cop “Mac” McKee to provide personal protection for Caitlin. Mac moves into Caitlin’s home, but soon learns how dangerous her stalker is when corpses that look a lot like Caitlin begin surface.

A beautiful author, a mysterious serial killer, and a hunky bodyguard are just a few of the elements that make this a super romantic suspense. Supporting characters abound including Aaron the editor, Kenny, the publicist, and several of New York's finest. With skillful writing, suspects are carefully eliminated from a list of possiblities until the reader is left with only one likely perpetrator.


Jo Anderson
A.L.R. Reviews