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The Star King

Title: The star King

Author: Susan Grant

Publisher: LoveSpell/ December 2000

Title: From The Back Of The Book:

Careening out of control in her fighter jet is only the start of the wildest ride of Jasmine's life; spinning wildly in an airplane is nothing like the loss of equilibrium she feels when she lands. There, in a half-dream, Jas sees a man more powerfully compelling than any sheís ever encountered. Though his words are foreign, his touch is familiar, baffling her mind even as he touches her soul. But who is he? Is he, too, a downed pilot? Is that why he lies in the desert sand beneath a starry Arabian sky? The answers burn in his mysterious golden eyes, in his thoughts that become hers as he holds out his hand and requests her aid.

This man has crossed many miles to find her, to offer her a heaven that she might otherwise never know, and love is only one of the many gifts of . . . The Star King.


On Earth, Lieutenant Jasmine Boswell is a fighter pilot struggling for her life after being mistakenly shot down by friendly fire. On Balkanor, Romlijhian (Rom) B’kah, has also been shot down and is dying of radiation poisoning. These two meet in a vision that helps sustain them until help appears. Twenty years later, even tho she has been divorced and has grown children, Jasmine is still haunted by the vision she believes is a dream. Rom is also haunted, but believes the vision is reality and hunts for Jasmine through the universe.

Rom’s world exploded when he sustained a serious injury from a blast which tears a hole in his protective suit, allowing radiation to invade his body. As Rom realizes that his ability to perform his major function as his father’s heir is slipping away with his only brother dead, he too prays for death. But it is not to be, this is when he has his vision. In his world all are very fair, but this woman has black hair and is the most beautiful woman he has ever seen, and she will not let him slip away to the afterworld. Just when he thinks he’s found heaven, she is taken away. There is only one thing left to do, destroy his enemy and return home. This he does but upon return he finds that his one moment of heavenly bliss has cost him everything. Rejected by his father and his people he buries his pain and becomes an independent trader of goods.

They find each other again after twenty years and the fight is on to save the known universe. I really liked this story but the ending seemed a little rushed. It seemed to me as if Ms. Grant was trying to wrap up all the loose ends in the last chapter. Still it was an excellent read and I'll be waiting for THE STAR PRINCE due out in 2001.


Reviewed by Jo
A Little Romance