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Touch Of Enchantment

Title:Touch Of Enchantment

Author:Teresa Medeiros

Publisher: Bantam/1997

This is the second book I've read of Ms. Medeiros'. Charming The Prince was the first, and I enjoyed that one so much, I thought I would try her again. I am glad I did. Enchantment is about a time-traveling witch and a Scottish Laird, told in a fairy tale form.

Tabitha, yes, she was named after the Bewitched character, considered her talents more a curse than a gift and never honed her skills. When her parents were persumed dead and she inherits an amulet from her mother she never expects to be transported back in time seven hundred years. Sir Colin Of Ravenshaw, just back from the Crusades, finds his castle in ruins, his family dead and an odd young woman comming to his rescue against his enemies. This is a truly enchanting tale. White knights and damsels in distress...well, almost.

Ms. Medeiros combines fun and romance with a well-devised fairy tale. As a time-travel romance, Touch of Enchantment is fast-paced and imaginative. The characters are bold and vivacious, and the plot is just plain fun. A great combination of romance, time-travel, and fairy tale! Enchantment with a touch of class and merriment. It looks like Ms. Medeiros is taking time travel to the next level with this gem.


Jo Anderson:
A.L.R. Reviews