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Title: Touch Of The Wolf

Author: Susan Krinard

Publisher: Bantam/1999


By the mid 1800's the werewolves were a dying breed. Their numbers had started to decline because of interbreeding with humans. For the survival of their species, the Earls of Greyburn have but one obsession, the Cause, which demands arranged marriages between those families who have pure werewolf blood. After the death of his grandfather, Braden Forster becomes the new Earl of Greyburn and continues the obsessive fight for the survival of the werewolves.

Cassidy Holt is left an orphan at the age of seven when her father and brother disappear and her mother dies. In a letter she finds, after her mother's death, Cassidy learns that the English Forster's are her family and the werewolf part of her heritage. However, her father's brother arrives and takes her to live with him on his farm. Cassidy grows up knowing she's not wanted or loved by her American relatives.

Then at the age of 22 Cassidy sets off to England to seek the werewolf part of her family. Almost immediately she lands on Braden's London doorstep. Braden and Cassidy’s story is a well written compelling story. Ms. Krinard deserves plenty of praise for her characterizations, they are a pleasure to read. She strongly defines her characters, letting readers know why they behave the way they do. She also sets up the stories for Braden's sister and brother. Rowena's story is next in the trilogy. It's title is
ONCE A WOLF and due out in the summer of 2000.

TOUCH OF THE WOLF is a great paranormal because of the author's ability to make the readers believe that Werewolves can really exists. I was so impressed with this book, I sent off for her two earlier Werewolf books, Prince Of Wolves and Prince Of Shadows. I'm looking forward to many hours of great reading in the coming weeks.


Jo Anderson:
A.L.R. Reviews