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The Sorceress And The Savage

The Sorceress And The Savage

TITLE:The Sorceress And The Savage

AUTHOR: Saranne Dawson




A GOLDEN SAVAGE: he stood amidst the stones, purely male and disarmingly dangerous. Her gaze traveled along his smooth bronzed skin and strongly muscled torso to the curling dark gold hair framing a handsome, yet savage face. Undeniably drawn to this vision of a man who whispered dark secrets of a passion yet to come, Shera knew that he held the key to the mysteries of her people.

A FIERY SORCERESS: She was the one who could redeem her people. When Gar first saw the lovely maiden with the raven-dark hair, when he first touched her alabaster skin, he knew that she was the one who held the power within her. For after one caress he felt a burning desire within her that matched his own, and knew that only their love could unite their worlds and defeat the evil that threatened to destroy them both.


The Gods are calling Shera and her people back to their homeland. They were driven out more then a century ago for using their magic for evil. The Bacleev no longer remember why they had to leave their lands but only know the Gods are calling them back now.

Gar and the Walkens dread the return of the Bacleev. Centuries ago they lived in peace together but that changed with the coming of the Evil Ones. They were enslaved and forced to do the bidding of the Bacleev, till they rose up and chased them from the valley. Now They were returning.

The relationship between Gar and Shera is a bit complex and it is hard to beleive they come together so quickly given the histories of their people. It's almost as if the Gods had preordained it. The story is a good one and keeps you guessing as to what will happen and how they will resolve their differences. This is a new twist on the shape-shifter story and you won't want to miss it.

Ms. Dawson always does a credible job in the paranormal romance gendre. She is also a prolific author who can be counted on to give us a new para-romance at least once a year. All her books are worth reading and this one is no exception. If you like the para-romance gendre then definetly read this one.


Jo Anderson:
A.L.R. Reviews