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The Unsung Hero

TITLE: The Unsung Hero

AUTHOR: Suzanne Brockmann

PUBLISHER: Ballantine


I admit that I'm a big fan of Suzanne Brockmann's books, so I may have been predisposed to like The Unsung Hero. Everything in this novel works for me. The plot of injured Navy SEAL Tom Paoletti returning to his small hometown to recover from a possible-career-ending head injury and spotting someone who could be a deadly terrorist is a great set-up.

The conflict between Dr. Kelly Ashton and her terminally-ill father Charles touches the heart. If anyone has lost a parent, you know there are always regrets. Things we didn't say, things we should have said and Sue works this into the plot of the story beautifully.

Some readers didn't like the addition of the WWII flashbacks involving Charles Ashton and Tom's great-uncle Joe Paoletti. I disagree. This was one of my favorite parts of the book. I think the flashbacks are well done and make for compelling reading. I feel these had to be a part of the story for the ending to work.

So, count this as a rave for The Unsung Hero, it easily could have been two books but Sue intertwined the stories well and made this a book I'm glad I didn't miss.

Jo Anderson

A.L.R. Reviews