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Venus Rising

AUTHOR: Flora Speer



From The Back Of The Book:

The Dawn Of Desire:
Vulnerable and achingly sensual, Narisa found herslf stranded in a wild and strangely beautiful paradise alone with the one man she hated above all others. Arrogant and demanding, Tarik belittled all she held dear, yet as the days passed, Narisa realized she was longing not for rescue, but for the devastating touch of his hard body. Then, amid the driving rain of a torrential downpour, their long-suppressed passion exploded, unleashing a searing love that would illuminate their world.


Narisa and Tarik find themselves on an uninhabited planet after they escape their space ship that had been attacked by pirates and destroyed. The planet they landed on is a beautiful, lush paradise, with evidence of previous habitation. Will they be rescued or forced to live on this new place? The world Narisa and Tarik are from is a very restriced society. They are told what to think and what to do, now they must rethink their whole way of life. Very good futuristic romance, I'll be reading more by this author.


Jo Anderson
A.L.R. Reviews