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Virtual Desire

Title: Virtual Desire

Author: Ann Lawrence

Publisher: LoveSpell/2000


His silver blond hair blew back from his magnificent face. His black leather breeches hugged every inch of his well-muscled thighs. He was every womans fantasy; he was the virtual reality game hero Vad. And Gwen Marlowe found him snoring away in her video game shop. She knew he must be a wacky wargamer out to win the Tolemac warrior look-alike contest. But the passion he ignited in her was all too real. Swept into his world of ice fields and formidable fortresses, Gwen realized Vad was not playing games. On a quest to clear his name and secure peace in his land, he and Gwen must forge a bond strong enough to straddle two worlds. A union built not on virtual desire, but on true love.


I did enjoy this book, although not as much as the first book, Virtual Heaven.I was disappointed with Vad's lack of romantic feelings for the "heroine", Gwen. He seemed more wrapped up in himself and when Ms. Lawrence finally let his romantic interest in Gwen come out, I had already decided Vad was just a jerk. I felt that this book could have been better by creating more romantic tension between the two leading characters. I put the book down wondering why and how they ever fell in love. However, the story was interesting and well written.


Jo Anderson:
A.L.R. Reviews