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Virtual Heaven

Title: Virtual Heaven

Author: Ann Lawrence

Publisher: LoveSpell/1999

This is the first novel by this author and she does it very very well. This is a time travel romance (sort of}. The time travel is accomplished by a virtual reality booth. This story is about Maggie and Kered, the hero in a virtual reality game. Maggie is pulled into the virtual Reality game and must help Kered on his quest to save his world.

Maggie is a modern day woman not happy about the men availible in her life, so she fantasizes about a poster promoting a new virtual game. Kered is a fearce Warrior in his homeworld and is sent on a quest to save his world, he thinks Maggie has been sent as his protector on this quest, because she falls out of the sky, at his feet. This is a very inventive story line and I especially liked the surprise ending.


Jo Anderson
A.L.R. Reviews