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Winter Garden

TITLE: Winter Garden
AUTHOR: Adele Ashworth
PUBLISHER: Jove Historical


WINTER GARDEN is a wonderful, character-driven love story featuring intense and very frank dialogue between the hero and heroine.

Madeleine DuMais is a half-French/half-English spy for the British government. After years of working from her home in France, she is called to the small village of WINTER GARDEN in southern England, to work with fellow spy, Thomas Blackwood. Together they pose as scholar and translator as they work to uncover an opium smuggling ring. The heart of this story, however, is the relationship between Thomas and Madeleine. Both carry scars, his are physical and hers are emotional. In addition, Thomas has a secret that he knows threatens his fragile relationship with the Maddie. Madeleine cannot imagine any other life but the one she's lead, her work is her life. Fearful of love, she wants only an affair with Thomas, physically satisfying, but something she will be able to walk away from at the end of their assignment.

In addition to the strong dialogue there are some very intense love scenes that are absolutely integral to advancing the relationship between Thomas and Madeleine. WINTER GARDEN is a very emotional book and one I'm sure you will enjoy whither you usually read historicals or not.


Jo Anderson:
A.L.R. Reviews