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Witness In Death

Title: Witness In Death

Author: J.D. Robb

Publisher: Berkley

Publishing Date: March 2000


This is the latest Eve Dallas mystery/futuristic and even after eleven books the quality is still there. It's hard to classify these books as futuristic even thro they are set about 60 years from now. But whatever you classify them they are still great reads.

In this latest installment Eve and Roarke are at opening night at a play in his new Theater when the leading man is stabbed to death on stage by the leading lady. With 3000 witnesses it should be easy to solve, right? No Way, Eve has her work cut out for her when what was part of the play turns out to be all to real. Not use to actors, Eve doesn't know who is acting and who's not while she's interviewing the cast members. Nobody liked the leading man, in fact everyone despised him but who hated him enough to kill him in front of 3000 people?

If you like the "In Death" series then you'll love this one too. It has an unexpected twist that makes for some uncomfortable moments but this is still a definite MUST READ. Ms. Robb continues to write the best and maybe the only futuristic mystery series on the market today. If you haven't read them you're missing one of the best series of any gendre availible.


Jo Anderson:
A.L.R. Reviews