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Title: The Pregnant Heiress

Author: Eileen Wilks

Publisher Silhouette Desire #1378:
Silhouette Books

Date Published: July 2001

Tagline: The Fortunes of Texas The Lost Heirs discover that membership in this family has its privileges . . . and it's price. What a fortune can't buy, a true-bred Texas love is sure to bring.


Flynn Sinclair, a P.I., can be described as a man's man who's finally free of entanglements and has a plan to remain so--but plans are made to be broken. He's been hired by Emma Michael's biological mother's ex-husband to locate the twins she gave up. Flynn has a reputation of getting the job done and it's his job to bring them back into the folds of the Fortune Family. Emma is a hard sale, but he tips the scale in his favor by telling her she has a twin brother. Flynn immediately recognizes Emma's unmarried and pregnant condition, and what he concludes to be an unjustified fear of him. This nags at his naturally curious mind and intensifies his naturally protective instinct.

Emma raised in series of borrowed homes, is pregnant, and on the run from a stalker/ ex-fiancé when Flynn locates her. Emma distrustful and emotionally self-protective, holds everyone at arms length for fear of being hurt again. She is also fiercely independent--a trait that is often confused with stubbornness by Flynn--and is not impressed with the Fortune family and their fortune. Having had no option but to stand on her own feet, she wasn't looking for fate to deal her an alternative.

After returning Emma to the Fortune fold, Flynn turns up at a welcome to the family fling a little wiser. Withholding no punches, he's a plain speaking man and calls it as he sees it--sensitivity, he admits, isn't one of his strong points. Never a man to leave things to chance--so Flynn convinces himself-- is the reason he'd invited himself and his investigative skills into Emma's past where he's discovered her past troubles with her abusive ex-fiancé. A reporter on hand at the party takes a picture of Emma that appears in a national syndication. This has Emma ready to run again until Flynn steps in to offer her his PI and body protective services. He installs her in his remote cabin to keep her under his protective and watchful eye.

Flynn, convinced that Emma needs a commitment he cannot give her, is an honorable man to the core, and he attempts to frustratingly offer Emma protection from his passion. Emma, pregnant, and fearing the feelings she is feeling are "hormonal" and one-sided, decides her passion's protection--Flynn's--is the one body she does not want protection from.

This was a delightful read. I found myself falling in love right along with the heroine with a modern day version of a knight, in albeit chinked-armor, who would rescue a frustratingly independent and defensive damsel in distress. The second in the Long Lost Fortune series of six books written by six different authors. I plan to find the first and read the rest of the series. I would rate this read as recommended.


Kolette J. Wilson
A.L.R. Reviews