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"The Wizard Of Seattle"

Title: Wizard Of Seattle

Author:Kay Hooper
Publisher: Bantam Books / 1993

At the age of sixteen, guided by her instinct alone, Serena travels across country and ends up on the Seattle doorstep of Richard Patrick Merlin, a wizard who is determined to develop the young woman's own powers of wizardry.

Their love is forbidden by an ancient law, but Serena and Richard will take a desperate gamble and travel to a long-lost world to change the history that threatens to keep them apart. They risk being separated forever, destroyed by a cursed land...or torn apart by their own fierce desires.

Merlin is a mesmerising character, and the world of wizardry with all its strange laws and customs makes this a truely fascinating read. Contemporary magic meets ancient mystery as the two lovers struggle to put to rights the world that keeps them apart. Although the characters are both sorcerers, the true magic is that of the love that develops between them. When two powerful forces of come together, there can be only one outcome - pure magic.