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Title: Zinnia
Author: Jayne Castle

Publisher: Pocket Books / 1997

From The Back Of The Book:

She was called the "Scarlet Lady"--but only Zinnia Spring would rise above her shocking nickmane by dressing defiantly in red. Ever since a false tabloid story ruined her reputation and her interior design business, this headstrong lady has made a living using her psychic abilities-- a highly prized skill that sets her apart on the space colony of St. Helen's. But when she's hired by casino owner Nick Chastain, their meeting of the minds---and hearts---has her seeing stars.......

Nick Chastain craves what he doesn't have---respectability. He calls on Zinnia's powers to help him find his father's journal and to dig up answers to his own mysterious past. Zinnia doesn't have to be psychic to know what else Nick wants: together they're an explosive combination that may just blow St. Helen's sky high with intrigue, danger, and a passion that's anything but predictible. But when a ruthless killer crosses their path, Zinnia must risk everything she's got---in a love affair where the winner takes all.


Zinnia lost alot when the false tabloid story, about her and a threesome, came out. It ruined her reputation and her successful business but she's decided to fight back, and is trying to rebuild her business. When Nick Chastain hires her to focus for him, she never realizes she's come face to face with her future and the past is best left behind her.

Nick Chastain wants what he's never had, a family and respectability, the journal he is looking for would prove he is the son of a prominent man and entitled to be recognized as such. His father had been killed before he was born and the family never acknowledged him. Now he's searching for proof and there is someone who will stop at nothing to prevent it from happening.


Jo Anderson
A.L.R. Reviews