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Many of you have asked us lots of questions about Aaron Feinberg, Skating or just about us....heres our chance to answer you...

QUESTION: How do you get to go to all of those skating compititions???

ANSWER: Well, we hear about them and we jump in our car and drive to them...we live in Cali, so alot of them take place down here.

QUESTION: Can I Please have Aaron Feinberg's Phone number, I love the page!

ANSWER: Well, since you asked nicely..NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!

QUESTION: what are your guys' names and where do you live???

ANSWER: Our names are Christine and Corinne and we live in Southern California baby!!! Check out the page about us man!...About Us...

QUESTION: How did you get to interview Aaron Fienberg??

ANSWER: OK! First of all, his last name is FEINBERG...well, when we worked for the VANs Skatepark at the Block in Orange, Corinne was assigned to interview anyone that had won the XGAMEs, so of course, she chose Aaron...she called him and interviewed him...there you have it!!....Well, we both got fired after that but owell...$h*t happens.

QUESTION: How come alot of the pages are under construction??

ANSWER: Well, even though it doesn't seem like it, we DO have lives, sometimes we just don't have enough time to work on them but we do try and I happen to think we do damn good..

QUESTION: How do you have all of those pictures??

ANSWER: We buy film and take pictures of them skating, picturss with them and if we see something that we think is funny..we take a picture of it..for example: Aaron Feinberg stretching at the NISS Championships..Corinne was alone at the time and she could not hang, but she still managed to grab one of the cameras and catch him in the act...god that picture cracks me up..