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As in past years, 1953 was intermingled with joy and sorrow to Harlan County residents with many civic improvements voted for future benefit.

Just as the New Year crept in, Arcos Fields, Lowell Knuckles and Buddy Bryant, of Evarts, were charged with the robbery of Mr. and Mrs. Allen Hensley, on January 2.

January 4, Mrs. Katie Mae Dexter, Lynch, was charged with the murder of her husbands: 411 attendent Mining Institude banquent. January 5, criminal court opens with 183 cases; Mrs. Rebecca Ann Blair, 82, dies; and fire breaks out at V and C Coal Company.

January 7, fire destoryes head-house, tipple and conveyor at Yancey. January 11, Highway Post Office burns; January 13, March of Dimes gets parking meter funds. On January 14, Miss Marylin Ward and Wix Unthank announce their engagement. January 16, Lowell Knuckles given 21 years for robbery of Allen Hensley.

March Of Dimes Auction

The March of Dimes auction was set for Friday, Jan. 18, over radio station WHLN; Jan. 20, March of Dimes Coffee Pot collects $161.33; Jan. 21, George Middleton, 81, dies; Jan. 22, buffet dinners honors former Alpha Theta members.

Mrs. Hazel Stuart goes on trial for slaying her husband, State Police Trooper Frank Stuart. Jan. 23, Clarence Robinison and Howard Unthank seriously wounded; Bill Dizney surrenders, Jan. 25, A verdict of "not guilty" was returned for Mrs. Hazel Stuart.

Jan. 26, jail break, three captured; Jan. 27, trial of Vernon Kelly for slaying Dallas Harris opens; radio auction nets $2,400 for March of Dimes; Jan. 30, mother's march on polio.

Feb. 1, kathleen Green is bride of William Rice; Feb. 5, Cumberland left with a one-man police department: Feb. 6, State Police seize 180 cases of beer near city limits: Feb. 8, basketball tourney moved to Cumberland: Feb. 12 T V in the future: Feb. 15, Jay Barlow announces for jailer.

On Feb. 18, Dale McMillian succumbs: Feb. 23, State Police seize 60 gallons of moonshine in chase from Harlan to Coxton: Feb. 27, Bar Association finds fair trial was given to Mrs. Vera Karapothey.

March 1, Bob Harris named head of the Easter Seal drive; March5, Cawood Smith named chairman of the American Red Cross drive; March 10, City Council revamps local election procedure; March 11, Edward Browning and Clarence Foley fatally wound each other at Three Point. Over $7,000 in excess fees were turned over to Fiscal Court by County Attorney hiram Brock, Jr.

March 15, the trial of Mr. and Mrs. George Shepherd for slaying of Dr. C.F. Mouser opens; Lilburn Barker dies of heart attack; March 18, Cliff Melton chosen manager of Harlan Smokies; March 23, Bill Hensley announces for sheriff; March 27, Harlan High School's entry in the State Drama Festival won "superior."

Fire destroys Elcomb bath house, April 2, April 7, heart attack fatal to D.C. Jones. April 8, Mrs. Martha Fultz burned in fire; April 12, Fiscal Court authorizes sale of court house; April 22, Barbara Harris killed by train at Grays Knob; April 23, Har-Lion minstrel; April 27, Harlan High School band rates "superior" in State Contest; April 29, Bill Wilson named new mmanager of Burrs'.

Hail Storm Hits>

The Lewallen Hotel was sold on May 1; May 3, hail storm here; May 6, Loyall Band participates in Corbin Festival; May 11, fire burns vocational school; may 14, J.R. Weiler elected secretaart of Group 9 of Kentucky Bankers Association. May 15, Ray O. Sheehan was elected president of the Lions Club; amd on May 21, Frank Cole chalks up three wins for Harlan.

June 10, Harlan Lions Club presents 53 eye glasses for area students; June 16, Harlan City Council approves $4000,000 building program for school amd recreation; June 17, 198 canidates file for offices; June 18, Frank Bassham heads Young G. O. P's: June 22 , Greyhound Bus station robbed.

July 6, Ann Barker and Robert Rankin, Jr., engagement announced; July 10, Ed Micka quits post as recreational director; July 13, Mrs Jack Murrary, New Orleans, lost leg in car accident near Jones Motel; July 14, bullet wound fatal to C.V. Bennett.

Oscar Swafford Resigns

July 21, James H. Dusina, miner, killed at Coalgood; July 23, Oscar Swafford resigns as principal of Harlan School; July 26, Barbara Jones killed in car accident on Main Street.

Lois Carter became engaged to Charles Kelly, Aug. 2; Aug. 3, no trend in election count; Aug. 5, Harlan Little League defeats Middlesboro; Aug. 9, Southeastern Sales Softball champs; Aug. 11, Harlan Little League defeats Louisville in State tourney; Aug. 12, Harlan lost to Lexington in finals; Aug. 21, Rowland won recount by one vote, and Helton has slight margin over Dukie Jones.

Aug. 23, two Harlan County POW's regained freedom; Sept. 4, Black Diamond Festival opens; Sept. 5, Lema Clare crowned "queen" of Fesstival; Sept. 11, welcome planned for POW's; Sept. 19, Oscar Hensley succumbs; Sept. 28, Mrs. May Davis fatally burned at Crummies.

Petery Elected Mayor

Conda Gurley found dead at Insull, Oct. 7,; Oct. 27, Sherman Burkhart dies at his home in Sunny Acres; Fred Jones, local attorney, died in Vetrans hospital; Oct. 27, Mrs. Fred Lucas, London, speaks to Women's Club; Nov. 4, early election count shows Roscoe Petery elected mayor; Nov. 8, Mrs. Tom Wilson injured in car wreck;

Nov. 9, Lynch wraps up CVS championship; Nov. 16, O.B. Roberts dies suddenly; Nov. 18, Sgt. Lon Sutton reassigned duty in Far East; Nov. 21 dozens attended Kentucky-Tennessee game; Nov. 27, Edward L. Cawood appointed vice-president of Kentuckys Bankers Association;

Dec. 8, Women's Club presents Gay 90's Revue; Dec. 14, Hiram Brock Jr., to head Bar Association; Dec. 20, Mrs. Paul Emery died in Harlan Hospital; Dec. 22, Claude Beach free on bond; Billy Fannon fatally shot while hunting near Loyal.

Monday January 4, 1954

Volume 53 Number 2

page 3

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