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Hitching Posts Among Harlan's Early Landmarks

Old Wagon Bridge Across Cumberland River, Lovers Rock On Ivy Hill Recalled


There are many famous landmarks all over the United States. Some of them natural formations and some man-made. Here in Harlan County the old landmarks are dear to many. The familiar hitching post, the first bridge, and lovers rock on Ivy Hill have long been gone but memories still linger for those who remember.

The old bridge that spanned part of the Cumberland River at South Main Street, was the first wagon bridge to be built in the county. Before the bridge era horses, wagons, buckboards and hacks forded the river at the bridge site and on up Catron's Creek to Hagan, Va., the only outlet for Harlan County at that time.

Shown in the picture at the left is Speed Ball home. The house was the only building on the block where the New Harlan Theatre is today. Across the street from the Ball home was a small two-room frame house where many pioneer families have lived. Ivy Hill is shown at a distance.

Many Watch Progress

While the bridge was under construction, members from every family in Harlan came down to the river to watch the progress of the bridge. there was very little entertainment or excitement in the town and a tremendous job of this kind caused a bit of comment. Everyone watched the progress.

The people who went in the mill every day to have their corn ground saw the men at work on the bridge. The construction of the bridge was a progressive step toward travel.

Instead of walking the rocks or having someone to "set you over the river in a boat" the bridge was such an improvement. In early days people were fined for trotting a horse across the bridge. Few of the landmarks that once were familiar to early citizens, still remain.

Part of "lovers rock" on Ivy Hill is still there. Many recall an afternoon upon the rock carving initials or gathering trailing arbutus or other wildflowers. It was a favorite spot for kodaking or picnics. On top of Ivy hill on "the flat" was the picnic ground for large groups.

Catch Water In Barrels

Almost every person in the upper part fo town carried their drinking water from the well in the court house yard. Some of the water for other use was caught in rain barrels.

The old well with the iron pump skreaked and skreaked as the people pumped the water. Children from the two-roomed public school on Second Street carried their drinking water from the old well.

W.M. Jones, who lived down in the bottom, furnished spring water for perhaps half of the town. Honeysuckle vine covered the spring house.

The hitching post was a familiar landmark in the early days. Sometimes a horse could be tied to the porch post or to a tree. When most travelers rode into town, the court house was the first place they stopped. The old railing fence served as a hitching post.

Jockey "Iron Boy"

Some of the young boys and girls who were fond of horses, watched the hitching fence so they borrow a horse for an hour or so.

On Central Street, D.Y. Turner kept an "iron boy" made of solid iron on his store porch. The boy's hand was extended holding a ring. The ring was for fastening a horse's bridle. The iron boy was too heavy for the horse to pull away so he stood hitched to the boy. In those days it was very fashionable to have your own hitching post for customers and visitors.

Sunday January 25, 1953

Volume 52 Number 20

Pages 1 &8

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