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Baxter Named After Travler Passing Through Town


First Railroad Line Built Through Farm Of County Treasurer E. Howard

At the "mouth of Poor Fork" two rivers meet to form the Cumberland River. One flows from Poor Fork and the other one from Harlan. The place is Baxter. Many years ago when only a handful of people lived there, a man by the name of Baxter came through just at the time the pioneer citizens were trying to think of a name for their community. They named it for him.

The little white house on the hill was built by Elhanon Howard and his wife, Sarah Skidmore Howard, one of the first families to settle there. Their first home place was a large two-story house near the river.

It was a favorite gathering place for all visitors, young and old alike, who came to Baxter. "Uncle" Elhanon and "Aunt Sarah", as they were known to everyone, had plenty of food on the table and everyone was welcome.

The first post office in Baxter, more than 60 years ago, was in their home. "Aunt Sarah" took care of the mail which was very little because of the few scattered families.

Came To Town Daily

For many years "Uncle Elhanon" was the treasurer of Harlan County. He rode into town every morning on his big gray horse. Many old timers recalled his horse and seeing it hitched to the court house fence. His duties brought him to town every day.

When the railroad first came to Baxter it was built through his farm. In later years he decided to build a home across the track on the hill. The hill today is known as "Sooky Ridge." The little white house on the hill is shown in the picture.

The railroad bridge pictured was the first one to be built in Harlan County. The people from Harlan met the train in wagons, on horses and sometimes on foot.

Some old timers say floods were not common years ago because the timber in the hills held the water. Even so there were still a great many floods.

Built Small Store

In later years Howard built a small general store in front of the Baxter depot and his daughter Mrs. Jane Hall, took care of the post office which was in one corner of the store.

With the building of the first depot in the county in this little community, induced a few more settlers to build there. Ewell and Nannie Howard built their home near the store.

The house at the end of the bridge being constructed was that of "Aunt Sis" Coldiron. Thus, the little community at the mouth of the river sprung up soon after the railroad came to Baxter.

Sunday June 21, 1953

Volume 52 Number 143

Pages 1 & 8

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