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Harlan's First Hello Girl Had Plenty Of Time For Knitting


Lindy Blair Johnson, Harlan's first telephone operator, had plenty of time on her hands for a little knitting and sewing on the side. The telephone exchange was in her home, the first house to the left in the picture. Very few telephones were installed in Harlan at the time.

A few years later the Bell Company "bought her out" and moved the office to the old Harlan Supply building. Mary Smith Beatty then took over the operator's duties on the second floor of the building.

The Jim Smith Family lived in the third house and the next one is Aunt Bett Nolan's Hotel. Just over the top of Sam Howard's barn is the second baptist Church to be built in Harlan. The other tall building is the old Masonic Hall.

The building was used for many years as a public school. The barn is near the site of the Mound Street Inn on Second Street. Part of the house shown at the right in the picture is the Nancy Smith Nolan Hotel.

The group resting in the sun is a part of the Kentenia Corporation workers, Will Ward Duffield, sitting on the walk was treasurer of the corporation. He was known by all as "a prince of a good fellow."

Many people sought his advice, rich and poor alike. He always listened to their troubles and had a kind word for them. Most people called him the full name, Will Ward Duffield, rather than just Will.

He has been such a part of Harlan County history and identified with this area that it came as a suprise for some people to learn that he was born in Detroit, Mich. He was educated mostly at home although he was graduated from Detroit High School in 1877.

Duffield was in surveying and engineering work most of his life. He surveyed large land areas in Bell, Leslie, Clay and Harlan counties and was said to have known more about land lines and patents than any one in the county, lawyers included.

The board of directors of the Kentenia Corporation was composed of Will Ward Duffield, John B. Lewis, Hampton H. Howard and Laurence K. Rice. Rice is shown by the tree in the picture.

Someone once said"if things go right, Will Ward Duffield smiles. If things go wrong and crooked, he straighens them out and smiles while doing it." To be said of a person, that he never knew no kind of a deal but a "square deal" is a great compliment.

Sunday April 26, 1953

Volume 52 Number 97

Pages 1 & 8

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