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Brothers Walked 25 Miles to Join War Volunteers

Old Timers Dug Up Slate Rock In Their Youth For Use At School


Up on the hillside ploughing one day about 55 years ago were two brothers, John and George Eager. Their father's farm on Catron's Creek was tended by the boys. In a distance the boys heard marching feet and the rat-a-tat of a drum coming up along the dusty road below them.

With little thought they knew it was the volunteers for the Spanish-American War coming from Harlan enroute to board a train in Virginia.

Suddenly they dropped the bridle reins and called to the marchers who were approaching the foot of the hill.

"Wait until we go ask pappy again, we asked him last night and he said no, but we'll try it again," George called. Their father, Wash Eager, had refused to let them go.

Fail To Return>

The men halted a few minutes but the boys didn't come back. The night before Mrs. Unthank, who lived in Wallins, spent the night in the Eager home.

She planned to take her sons, Milt and Carter back home if they started out across the mountain. The Eager boys thought their father changed his mind about letting them go aftr hearing her viewpoints.

The next day Milt and Carter walked from their home in Wallins to Wasiotta, a distance of about 25 miles. They got on the train and joined the group headed for Louisville.

later the Eager bous went west and bought a big ranch adjoining the famous king Ranch. Their early days were spent mostly on the farm. Coming to town with bags of corn to be ground at the mill was one of their daily chores.

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