Ashley Sayers
I haven't known you that long but I consider you one of my good friends. Even though I make you mad a lot, at least I don't call you BAD NAMES! (just joking) And to be honest, I talk to you more than anybody else...even my best friend!
Raven Huff
This is one girl that can kick pretty freakin' hard! I'm just joking Raven. You've been a pretty good friend for awhile now and I know that when you say not to use your computer to not use your computer! :)
Andy Jackson
Another one of my best friends. I hope you have fun up at Fag City, oops, I mean Franklin County. And you need to come down more!
Jason Vest
Another one of my best friends. That time when we jumped the railroad tracks kicked ace! We'll have to do that again sometime.